The Artist

I knew a girl
who had a heavy heart
she’d pour into her poetry
Every lover who strayed
became a piece of poesy
for her to own forever

I begged her to let me
live evermore in her words
She shook her head
I felt a touch dismayed
when her hand
caressed my glassy cheek
and she said
She could only reminisce
those who broke her heart
I never made her cry—
I’d never be a poem

In that moment
I wished in a haze of red
that I could shatter her
into a million jagged pieces
Adorning the cold ground
round my feet
The cruel thought flitted away
quick as it came
But on the stillest nights
I’d dream

Of digging my fingers
into her weary heart
She’d bleed gold
My hands tainted
with the glitter of her soul
She’d write masterpieces
about the wicked man
who tore her being apart
But then I’d wake up
with my hands clean
her pages full of foreign names
and she’d still love me

I didn’t want it anymore
I wanted to swim deep
in the river of gold
that I let flow
Her devilishly red pen
sat on her lonely desk
Tempting me each night
to live out my morbid dreams
It was hardly a surprise
when I pierced her throat
with it as she slept soundly
My new ink is redder than her pen
I suppose I’m an artist now too